Saturday, June 28, 2008

how to link files and programs

During our radio show, Vincent called asking how to associate files with programs...

How to change which program starts when you double-click a file in Windows XP

1. Open My Computer or Windows Explorer, right-click a file for which you want to change the program that opens that file type, and then use either of the following methods to change which program starts:
• Click Open With to choose the program that you want.
• Point to Open With, and then click Choose Program to choose the program that you want.
2. Notice that theOpen With dialog box appears. Use one of the following methods to select the program that you want to use to open this kind of file:
• In the Programs list, click the program that you want.
• Click Browse, locate and then click the program that you want to use, and then click OK.
• Click Look for the appropriate program on the Web to browse the Internet for the program that you want.
3. Click to select the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box if it is not already selected.
4. Click OK.

From now on, Windows XP will open all files that have this file name extension in the associated program. (To change this, follow these steps again and associate a different program with this file name extension.)


This article contains more information about how to create file associations for a file types that are not associated with a program...

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enable scrolling of All Programs

Tom called during our radio show and asked how to scroll the list of programs in his All Programs menu...

You Cannot See the Full All Programs List Because the List Extends Off the Screen

1. On the taskbar, right-click Start, and then select Properties.
2. Click the Start Menu tab, and then click Customize.
3. In the Customize Start Menu dialog box, click the Advanced tab. 
4. Under Start menu items, click to select the Scroll Programs check box.
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Friday, June 27, 2008

how to copy AOL files

On our radio show, we have talked about how to copy and backup AOL files...

I'm using AOL 9 on a Toshiba Satellite A105-S4034 that has Microsoft Windows XP and 2 GB RAM installed, because when I had the AOL Desktop installed it seemed to slow the system.

When using AOL version 9, I found I cannot use my AIM and myAddress accounts with it.

Below is some information I found at


For all versions of AOL 9, you can access your personal storage folders by going to your Mailbox and then by clicking the Manage Mail tab.

Note: You must be signed off of the AOL service in order to back up your Filing Cabinet.

To back up the contents of your Saved on My PC (Filing Cabinet) folder (all versions of AOL 9):
1. Click the Mail menu, then click Mail Settings.
2. In the Mail Settings window, click the Manage Saved Mail button, and then click Backup.
3. In the Backup Your Filing Cabinet window, click the Backup Now button.
4. Click the Save button.


If you are running the AOL Desktop software, you can import the Personal Filing Cabinet (PFC) from an earlier version of the AOL software...

(FROM SLICK: Warning...I have never been able to complete the following instructions...the "Import AOL Filing Cabinet" option has never been has always been "grayed-out"...all of my attempts have failed.)

You can import a copy of your Personal Filing Cabinet from AOL 9 into the AOL Desktop software.
1. Launch the AOL Desktop software.
2. On the AOL Toolbar, click the Mail icon, if required sign in with your AOL screen name and password.
3. On Mail window, click the Settings menu, then click Import AOL Filing Cabinet.
4. Click the Continue button.
5. Click the OK button.

In AOL Desktop software you can access your personal storage folders by clicking the Mail icon on the AOL toolbar, then click the On My PC option, and then select the folder you wish to see.

Notes: On your AOL Desktop software, all your mails are stored in a common file, the path to that file is:
For Windows XP, it is C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxx\Local Settings\Application Data\AOL\UserProfiles\1151515100 (this number can change from computer to computer) \xxxxx.mail\cls.
For Windows Vista, it is C:\Users\yyyyyy\AppData\Local\AOL\UserProfiles\1196358243 (this number can change from computer to computer) \xxxxx.mail\cls.
In the above mentioned paths, xxxxx stands for your screen name and yyyyyy is your Windows user name in your computer.


Manually backup and transfer your Personal Filing Cabinet on AOL Desktop
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Buh-bye, Boost

July 1, Virgin Mobile USA will launch a new $79.99 per month unlimited prepaid plan.

I noticed they also have a "pay as you go with roll forward" plan:  "As long as you buy another Minute Pack within 30 days, any unused minutes will roll forward for the next 30 days (up to 5000 minutes). If you don’t purchase another Minute Pack within 30 days, your unused minutes will expire at the end of the 30 days."  For $20 per month, you get 200 minutes with additional calls at $.10 per minute.

To that, you can add unlimted text and messaging ("pix, email, and IM") for $20 per month.
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Saturday, June 21, 2008

social networking websites

We have had discussions about social networking sites: which ones are best for types of networking, which ones are best for "adults", etcetera...

Friendster was (and may be) the largest "global online social network...adults, 18 and up..."

Orkut, run by Google, has a lock on Brazil and also eats up a big portion of the market in India. Hi5 is big in Latin America...

From a 2006 report:
“ has the broadest appeal across age ranges, has created a niche among the college crowd, attracts a higher percentage of adults, and is most popular among younger teens..."

" has a younger user profile, with 20 percent of its users in the 12-17 age range, about twice as high as that age segment’s representation within the total Internet audience...More than one-third (34 percent) of visitors to are 18-24 years old...more than two-thirds of MySpace visitors are age 25 or older."

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Firefox 3 Available and On the Way to a Record

In case you were hiding under a rock, today is the big day that Mozilla released then next version of the companies browser Firefox Version 3.0. Company officials are touting this release as faster then Internet Explorer 7 as well as more secure. We had no problem grabbing the new version which registered at a little over 7MB. After installing, we only had a couple of plug ins that were not compatible, one of them being the Cinema Now Manager for watching and downloading online movies. Everything else seemed to load fine and without hesitation, our flash videos on the TechtalkRadio Site loaded fine and again, we were pleased with the outcome.

Download it yourself here

Download Day

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Monday, June 16, 2008

new game: The Political Machine

A new game is to be released tomorrow (June 17): The Political Machine 2008...

"...a new PC game that puts players in control of the 2008 presidential campaign. Play as the campaign manager for a host of candidates including Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, historical candidates or design one from scratch.

"Players then choose their campaign battlegrounds and are off on the campaign trail to face a host of challenges including fundraising, talk show appearances, hiring spin doctors and winning endorsements. The game is won on Election Day by the player who gets the necessary electoral votes to become President.

"...all candidates are presented as 'bobble heads'...The 2004 edition of the game...accurately predicted the 2004 election months in advance....
Real-world scenarios are mirrored in the game. Players can choose what TV shows to be a guest on and will face tough questions from the hosts of shows like Colvert Report and the O'Malley Factor. In addition, players can choose to play out different historical scenarios as well as fantasy scenarios taking place in the future.

"Political junkies will appreciate many of the political consultants and strategies employed in the game such as the use of smear merchants, spin doctors, intimidators, cheer leaders, movie stars, etc. Strategy gamers will appreciate the balanced game mechanics that allow players to research new campaign tactics that even novice political observers can see from the current election.

"The Political Machine is both a single and a multiplayer game - players can either compete against the computer or against others online on The website also provides an ideologically neutral location for users to discuss the current election.

The game will be released at retail...$19.95. It requires Windows XP or Windows Vista to run...
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Thursday, June 5, 2008

To fight future cyberbattles, Air Force recruiting part-time geeks |

To fight future cyberbattles, Air Force recruiting part-time geeks |

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Verizon Wireless - enV2

I received the new Verizon Wireless LG enV2 phone about a week and a half ago to test it and see what I thought of the phone... I can say there is nothing that I don't like about... from the large phone buttons on the exterior of the phone to the Qwerty keyboard inside... I really am impressed with this phone...

You can text message directly from the front of the phone without opening it up... you can retrieve your contacts, as well as play your music without even opening up the phone.

Verizon Wireless offers you several options to choose from like VCast Music and Videos, VZ Navigator, Email, Ringtones, Instant Messaging, Mobile IM, Ringtones, Pictures, etc.

The VZ Navigator allows you to input a location you are going to and gives you turn by turn directions. It also has listings of your favorite places such as movies and events in your area. It shows you what movies are now playing and what event venues are in your location. You can also choose to press "local searches" and it gives you things that are in your GPS location. The VZ Navigator has the capability to follow you on the map. It also gives you traffic and weather in your area, as well as at the Airport.

Verizon Wireless's Media Center offers Music & Tones, Pictures & Video, Games, and Mobile Web. I've downloaded some Music onto the phone and it sounds great on the dual speakers. You can create your own playlists from the music you download. Each downloadable tune is $1.99. I've also downloaded some wallpaper, which you can customize. Each price is different depending on which pictures you download. You can also add the wallpaper to the external and internal display of the phone

I also downloaded some games to test out like Wheel of Fortune, Block Breaker and The Spiderwick Chronicles.. Yes, I downloaded it so my 6-year-old, Bubba, can see if he liked it. His exact words... "Mommy, Andy's lucky, he gets the cooooliest stuff!!"

The 2.0 Megapixel camera allows you to take pictures and send them via email or text message. I've taken a few and the camera is not that bad. You can also purchase a seperate external memory microSD card to store your music, video clips and pictures on your phone. You can even move your music, video clips and pictures from your pc to your phone.

The phone also has BlueTooth capability which I have not had a chance to test out yet. The phone also has "mobile email" which you can add as many email accounts to the phone and check your email no matter where you are. I particularly like this feature since I have a business and have to constantly check my email no matter where I am..
I enjoyed testing out this phone... I would definitely recommend it too some who uses text messenging alot or even if they don't... because it has a ton of features packed into it... Verizon Wireless is having a special sale on this phone through June 13, 2008. It retails for $149.99, but you receive a $50 mail in Rebate... costing you only $99 for the phone.

Yesterday I went into Verizon Wireless to upgrade my phone since my contract was expiring and I had every intention of purchasing this phone UNTIL I walked over to the row of phones and was looking at what else they had.. and I happened to pick up the LG Voyager... (think that was my first mistake... LOL) and started messing around with it... and I liked it even more than the EnV2. The LG Voyager has touch screen just like the iPhone... I've only "seen" what the iPhone can do, never tested it, and I was pretty impressed. Since I don't have the service that the iPhone comes with, the LG Voyager compares to the iPhone, so I purchased it.

I have 30-days to really decide if I like the phone or not.. and if I don't I can return and purchase something that I do like... I will test it out and see. If I'm not impressed 100%, then I will return for the Verizon Wireless Env2 because I was very much impressed with the phone.

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Windows 7 Demo'd at D:6

D: All things Digital held its 6th annual conference May 28th-30th and Julie Larson-Green from Microsoft demonstrated some of the features we'll see in Windows 7.
Check it out here --> D:6 Windows 7